Different electrical instruments require different voltages for their operation. An X-ray tube requires thousands of volts while filaments of diodes require only 6 volt for their operation. Transformer is a device used for changing the voltage of an a.c. power source to a higher to lower value.
Principle. It is based upon the principle of mutual induction, i.e., an e.m.f. is induced in a circuit due to a current changing in a neighbouring circuit.
Construction. It consists of two coils, namely primary and secondary coils. Both the coils are wound over a soft iron core. The number of turns and the thickness of primary and secondary depends upon the job to be performed by the transformer, i.e., whether the output voltage is to be increased or decreased, the core is made of soft iron in the form of laminations properly insulated with a thin coating of insulation (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Transformer. |
It is taken in the form of laminations to avoid setting up of of eddy currents. Input source of a.c. is connected across the free terminals of primary while the output is taken across the free terminals of secondary.
Action. When a.c. is connected in primary, the current and hence the magnetic field around primary and secondary changes continuously. Due to the phenomenon of electro-magnetic induction, a changing magnetic flux through secondary results in induction of a continuous e.m.f. in it.
Theory. If the primary and secondary coils are wound close to each other, it can be assumed, to a fair approximation, that magnetic flux 'ΦB' linked with each turn of primary and secondary is same. If 'E' is the e.m.f. induced in each turns.
E = dΦB/dt
Let nw = number of turns of primary coil
and ns = number of turns of secondary coil
∴ E.M.F. induced in a primary coil =
E = np (dΦB/dt)
At any instant, the e.m.f. induced in primary must be same as that applied in it.
∴ Ep = - np (dΦB/dt) ... (1)
If 'Es' is the e.m.f. induced in the secondary,
Es = - ns (dΦB/dt) ... (2)
Es/Ep = - ns(dΦB/dt)- np (dΦB/dt)
= ns/np = K
where 'K' is called 'transformer ratio'.
Case (i) Step-up transformer
If ns > np , i.e., K > 1
In such a case Es > Ep
A transformer in which voltage across secondary is greater than that across primary is called a step-up transformer.
Case (ii) Step-down transformer
If ns < np , i.e., K < 1
In such case Es < Ep
A transformer in which voltage across secondary is less than that across primary is called a step-down transformer.
Let 'Is' and 'Ip' be the currents flowing through primary and secondary (when closed).
Power input = Ep Ip
Power output = Es Is
Under ideal conditions, when no loss of energy takes place,
Es Is = Ep Ip
∴ Es / Ep = Ip / Is
If Es > Ep , then Is < Ip
Thus, a gain in voltage across secondary results in a consequent loss in electric current through it and vice versa.
Losses in transformer
Following are the various sources of loss of energy in case of a transform.
- Iron loss. As a result in change in magnetic flux through the core currents known as 'eddy currents' are set up in closed circuits. Energy lost in the form of heat energy as a result of these currents is called 'iron loss'.
- Copper loss. Amount of energy lost as a result of production of heat due to currents flowing through primary and secondary coils is called 'copper loss'.
- Hysteresis loss. The soft iron core undergoes a complete cycle of magnetisation due to a.c. It also results in some loss of energy, known as 'hysteresis loss'.
- Flux leakage. Due to improper alignment it is possible that the flux linked with the secondary may be a little less.
Long distance transmission of A.C. by transformer
Apart from its natural use of increasing or decreasing the voltage, transformers are used in long distance transmission of a.c.
Generally, the distance between the stations where electric power is generated and that where it is consumed is very large. The wires connecting these two stations have a large length and hence a high resistance. Following losses are likely to take place.
(i) Fall of potential across the wire. When a current 'i' flows through a wire of resistance 'R', potential difference 'V' across it is,
V = i R
This results in a lesser potential reaching the consuming station.
(ii) Loss of energy in the form of heat. Heat 'H' produced in the wire is
H = i² Rt
Both the losses are large due to a greater 'R'. Amount of losses can be decreased if transmission is done at a low current and high potential so that the amount of energy transmitted is not affected.
A transformer (step-up) converts low voltage and high current electric energy at generating Station (Fig. 2), into a high voltage, low current energy. This high voltage electricity is transmitted to distant consuming station. At the consuming station this voltage is stepped down in three stages by making use of step-down transformers.
A data from a hydro-electric power station shows that electricity is generated at 11,000 V. It is stepped up to 1,32,000 V before transmission. At the receiving station, it is stepped down in three different stages.
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Fig. 2. Long distance transmission of a.c. |
Auto-Transformer (Variac)
It is a device used to obtain a continuous supply of a.c. at a desired voltage. It makes use of a single winding of insulated copper wire that serves as both a primary and a secondary. [Fig. 3(i)] illustrates the principle of a variac.
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Fig. 3. Auto-transformer. |
The input is connected in between the terminals A and B while the output is taken from terminals A and C. Terminal 'C' is a variable contact and can be moved all along the length of coil. If A to C contains more turns than A to B, the device serves as a step-up transformer. Conversely, if 'C' is moved to the left of B, so that A to C has fewer number of turns than A to B, it serves as a step-down transformer.
The actual construction of a variac is shown in [Fig. 3(ii)]. It consists of a large number of turns of copper wire wound over a soft iron ring which serves the purpose of iron core. Terminal G is connected to a sliding contact 'S' which is moved along the windings by the turn of a knob K. The insulation on the wire is removed on the very top of the widening and a small block of graphite, under spring pressure serves as a sliding contact. A pointer P attached with the knob K moves over a circular scale from which the output voltage can be read directly.
Domestic Power Supply
For operating heavy electrical machines, we need three phase a.c. supply in our homes. Supply of three phase a.c. can be done in any of the following two ways.
(i) Star connection. One terminal of each of the three coils constituting the armature of an a.c. generator is connected at O. A wire connected at O is called neutral wire. Three wires coming from terminals A, B and C are named as wire 1, 2 and 3 respectively and are known as phase wires [Fig. 4].
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Fig. 4. Star connection for three phase a.c. supply. |
Potential difference between the neutral wire and any of the phase wires is 230 V, while the potential difference between any two phase wires is 300 √3 V Or nearly 400 V. Supply from the former is given to households while that from the letter is given to factories, etc., for operating heavy machines.
(ii) Delta connection. In this type of connection, the free terminals from coil in a.c. generator are connected together at A, B and C as shown in [Fig. 5]. Wire numbers 1, 2 and 3 taken from A, B and C are known as phase wires. There is no neutral wire in this case. The potential difference between any to wires is 230 V. This arrangement is useful in transmission of small potential difference generally used for domestic purpose.
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Fig. 5. Delta connection for three phase a.c. supply. |
Important Notes |
A transformer is effective only in varying current. If a source of d.c. is connected in the primary there will be no e.m.f. in the secondary except at make or break. In case of a step-down transformer, current in secondary is very large. So the secondary has to be made of a thick wire while a thin wire can be used in secondary of a step-up transformer. Core of the transformer is taken in laminated form in order to avoid loss of energy due to eddy current. If the core of the transformer is packed loose, it may give a humming sound. This is due to vibrations of air trapped in between the gaps of the constitutents of metallic core. Long distance transmission of electric energy is done at high voltage and low current to minimise energy losses.
Some questions with answer
1. Why is a transformer so named?
Ans. Due to the property of mutual induction a transformer is capable of transforming energy from one circuit to the second. Secondly it is also capable of bring a transformation in the nature of electrical energy i.e., one from a low voltage to one at high voltage and vice versa. Hence it is known as a transformer.
2. Why should the core of the transformer be laminated ?
Ans. Eddy currents which get generated within the core of the transformer are undesirable since they result in wear and tear of transformer and also in a loss of energy. So these have to be minimised. If the core is laminated with insulation in between the eddy currents are likely to be terminated, thus, saving some amount of energy.
3. Some time we hear a humming sound when a transformer is working. What is the reason for this ?
Ans. The laminated core of the transformer should held very tightly so that its constituents are very close to each other. If the core is loose, some air will get trapped in between its constituents. While the transformer is working, some heat is produced due to eddy currents. The air in between starts vibrating with a high frequency, thus, producing a loud sound.
4. Would you use a thick or a thin wire in the secondary of a step-down transformer ?
Ans. A step-down transformer converts electrical energy from a high voltage to one at a low low voltage. Accordingly the current in the secondary will be larger than that in the primary. In order to have lesser production of heat in the secondary we shall have to use a wire of lesser resistance i.e., a thick wire.
5. What should be the characteristics of the material which forms the core of a transformer.
(i) It should have a lesser co-ericivity.
(ii) It should have a greater retentivity.
(iii) It should have a greater permeability.
(iv) It should have a narrow hysteresis loop so that there is a lesser loss of energy for each cycle of magnetisation.
6. Transformer (step-down). A transformer which decreases the voltage of a.c. source.
7. Transformer (step-up). A transformer which increases the voltage of a.c. source.
8. Transformer ratio. Ratio between number of turns of secondary so that of primary coil.
9. Transformer. Device to change the voltage of an a.c. source.
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