Self Induction:
Consider a coil 'L' wound over a hollow wooden cylinder [in Fig. 1]. Soft iron is packed into a hollow region to increase magnetic flux linked with 'L' (since 'μ' for iron is greater than one). The two free terminals of the coil are connected to a source of e.m.f. 'E' through a tap key 'K'.
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Fig. 1. Self induced e.m.f. in a coil. |
As key 'K' is pressed, current flowing through the circuit starts increasing. As it increases (at make) from zero to maximum, an induced e.m.f. is set up in it due to the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.
According to Lenz's law, the induced e.m.f. opposes the change (increasing current) which produces it. Therefore, its direction is opposite to that of current. When current achieves its maximum value, magnetic flux linked with the coil becomes maximum (constant). No induced e.m.f. is there in the coil at this stage. When key is released (at break) current decreases from maximum to zero. This results in decrease of magnetic flux linked with the coil. Again an e.m.f. is set up. The direction of e.m.f., according to Lenz's law, should be same as that of the current. Thus, it is clear, that induced e.m.f. induced e.m.f., whenever it appears in the circuit, opposes a change in the strength of current flowing through the circuit. This property of the circuit is called self induction.
Self induction of a circuit is defined as the property of the circuit, by virtue of which it tends to oppose a change in the strength of current, through it, by inducing an e.m.f. in itself.
Experimental demonstration of self induction
Property of self induction can be demonstrated by connecting a bulb 'B' across the two terminals of the coil. The e.m.f. induced in the coil comes directly across the bulb and causes a strong current to flow through it. Therefore, the bulb gives a flash of light, whenever induced e.m.f. is present. A bright flash in the bulb at make and at break of the circuit testifies the property of self induction.
Co- efficient of Self Induction
Let 'ΦB' be the magnetic flux linked with a circuit due to a current 'I' flowing through it.
ΦB ∝ I or ΦB = LI .... (1)
Where 'L' us called the 'Co-efficient of self induction' of the circuit. It depends upon :
(i) area of cross-section of coil
(ii) number of turns of the coil
(iii) nature of material packed within the coil.
If I = 1, ΦB = L
Co-efficient of self induction of a circuit is defined as the magnetic flux linked with it when a unit current flows through it.
Differentiating equation (1) with respect to 't', we get
ΦB /dt = d/dt (LI) = L dI/dt [∵ L does not depends upon time]
According to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction,
E = - ΦB/dt
Where E = e.m.f. induced in the circuit due to a current changing at the rate dI/dt,
- E = L dI/dt
or E = - L dI/dt ......(2)
If dI/dt = 1, L = [E]
Therefore, co-efficient of self induction is also defined as the e.m.f. induced in the circuit, due to a current changing at a unit rate in itself.
Unit of 'L'
(i) In S.I. co-efficient of self induction of a circuit is measured in 'henry'.
In equation (2)
If dI/dt = 1 A s-1, E = 1 V, then L = 1 H.
Co-efficient os self induction of a circuit is said to be 1 henry if an e.m.f. of 1 V is induced in it due to a current changing at the rate of 1 amp s-1 in itself.
1 henry= 1 V/1 A s-1 = 1 Vs A-1
(ii) In C.G.S. (e.m.u.) system. In the C.G.S. system (e.m.u.) co-efficient of self induction is measured in 'e.m.u. of inductance' or 'abhenry'.
|L| = E/dI/dt
∴ 1 e.m.u. of inductance =
1 e.m.u. of potential difference/1 e.m.u. of current/1 second
Co-efficient of self induction of a circuit is said to be 1 e.m.u. of inductance if an e.m.f. of 1 e.m.u. is induced in it due to a current changing at the rate 1 e.m.u. s-1.
Dimensions of L
From equation (2)
[L] = E/dI/dt
= [M L2 T-3 A-1]/[A1 T-1]
∴ [L] = [M1 L2 T-2 A-2]
So, the dimension of L are 1, 2, -2, -2 in mass, length, time and electric current respectively.
Relation between 'henry' and e.m.u. of inductance
1 henry = 1 volt/1 amp/sec
= 10⁸ e.m.u. of potential difference/1/10 e.m.u. of current/sec
∴ 1 henry = 10⁹ e.m.u. of inductance.
Self Induction of Solenoid
A coil wound over an insulating cylinder and having some self induction can be treated as a solenoid carrying current. Magnetic field at any point, on the axis of a solenoid is
B = μ0μr N/l I
Therefore, magnetic flux linked with one turn of coil
= B × A = μ0μr N/l I × A
Where 'A' is the cross-sectional area of the coil. Total magnetic flux ΦB linked with whole of coil (of N-turns),
ΦB = μ0μr N/l I × A × N
or ΦB = μ0μr N² I A/l
Therefore, induced e.m.f. E is
E = - dΦB/dt = - μ0μr N² A/l dI/dt ... (3)
Comparing equations (2) and (3),
L = μ0μr N² A/l = μ0μr n NA
Where 'n' is the number of turns per unit length.
Thus, co-efficient of self induction of a coil depends upon following factors :
- Area of the coil. Greater the area if coil, greater is the co-efficient of self induction.
- Number of turns. Greater the number of turns, greater is co-efficient of self induction.
- Relative permeability of the core. A coil having soft iron as its core has a greater co-efficient of self induction than that having air core.
Inductances in series and parallel
(i) Inductances in series
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Fig. 3. Inductances in series. |
(ii) Inductances in parallel
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Fig. 4. Inductances in parallel. |
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